Francisco Aparisi Приложения

Power of Hypothesis Testing 2.2.0
Francisco Aparisi
This application computes the power ofahypothesis test (HT) for the mean and draws the involvedNormaldistributions. It is very useful for fully understanding thetheoryand practice of HTAt this moment the application languages are SpanishandEnglish.A twin Windows version is available here:!uRABzahD!gLY2k9V6RjQFu-C4s4blNm1onlJ7kyOL2tfjLxPlwEkEsta aplicación calcula la potencia de un test de hipótesisytambién dibuja las variables Normales asociadas al test. Esmuyútil para comprender bien la teoría y práctica del testdehipótesis.Los idiomas disponibles en la aplicación son inglésyespañol.Hay una versión igual a ésta para Windows, disponible aquí;!uRABzahD!gLY2k9V6RjQFu-C4s4blNm1onlJ7kyOL2tfjLxPlwEk
ARL Xbar and S control charts 2.2.0
Francisco Aparisi
This application simulates the Xbar and Scontrol charts, that are someof the tools of statistical qualitycontrol, or statistical process control (SPC).It computes the ARL for different mean and sigma shifts.Concretely, the shifts are measured by d = abs(m1 - m0) / sigma0and by r = sigma1 / sigma0.In addition, it measures the number of times that each controlchart shows an out-of-control alarm. For example, it is possible tosee that the Xbar control chart detects sigma shifts too.At this moment the application languages are Spanish andEnglish.A twin Windows version is available here:!XIYGWSAA!HN8a9oXLUJ0I98c7omWeYhhvH68h1yuFXuuJnenUT4MThis application is also available for iOS (Iphone, iPad) and OSX (MAC). Just search in their stores.
ARL Xbar control chart 7.0
Francisco Aparisi
This application simulates the Xbar controlchart, that is one of the tools of statistical quality control, orstatistical process control (SPC).It computes the ARL for different mean and sigma shifts.Concretely, the shifts are measured by d = abs(m1 - m0) / sigma0and by r = sigma1 / sigma0.The control limits can be placed at 2 or 3 sigma. In addition,it is possible to change the sample size.At this moment the application languages are Spanish andEnglish.A twin Windows version is available here:!PQZiWaST!5fI9DK0AIYIkaZGkE4WOZso3kiLTzVtMqJ2zuFHRDEwThis application is also available for iOS (Iphone, iPad) and OSX (MAC). Just search in their stores.
ARL EWMA control chart 13.1
Francisco Aparisi
This application simulates the ARL of anEWMAcontrol chart for different smoothing and control limits. The4available combination of smoothing and control limits yieldanin-control ARL of 370.The EWMA control chart is one of the tools of statisticalprocesscontrol (SPC) or quality control.It is possible to change the value of the mean and sigma oftheNormal distribution used in the simulation. Concretely, theshiftsare measured by d = abs(m1 - m0) / sigma0 and by r = sigma1/sigma0.At this moment the available languages are SpanishandEnglish.A twin Windows version is available here:!OEBiDSRQ!T85-xEGwyQGSTjW7WyordQ2ieLyLiPi3GVFeDZPdCA8SPANISH:Esta aplicación calcula por simulación el ARL de un gráficodecontrol de calidad EWMA. Hay disponibles 4 combinaciones dealisado(smoothing) y límite de control, produciendo todos ellos unARLbajo control de 370.El gráfico de control EWMA es una de las herramientas delcontrolestadístico de procesos (SPC) o control de calidad.Es posible cambiar en la simulación la media y la sigma delavariable Normal simulada. En concreto los cambios se miden por d=abs(m1 - m0) / sigma0. Y el valor r es r = sigma1 / sigma0.Existe una versión igual a ésta para Windows disponibleaquí:!OEBiDSRQ!T85-xEGwyQGSTjW7WyordQ2ieLyLiPi3GVFeDZPdCA8
T2 Control Chart Simulator 9.1
Francisco Aparisi
This application makes a comparison between two Xbar charts and oneT2 chart.
Twin Scientific Calculator 1.1
Francisco Aparisi
This is scientific calculator for Android That has a twin Windowsversion.
Xbar control chart with VSS 8.1
Francisco Aparisi
This app computes the ARL of an Xbar control chart with variablesample size
Gauges for SPC 3.4
Francisco Aparisi
An app for developing a quality control chart to monitor a processusing gauges
StatSuite (Statistics Suite) 5.0
Francisco Aparisi
An application for statistical data analysis
Calculator Xbar Control Chart 8.3
Francisco Aparisi
ARL calculations for the Xbar control chart
Optimum EWMA control chart 8.3
Francisco Aparisi
A calculator for computing ARLs of the EWMA chart and optimizingits parameters